Financial Education Services revolutionized the Credit Repair Industry 14 years ago with their credit repair platform allowing loan originators, real estate agents, car salesman, tax professionals etc. to track their client’s credit score and progress through an online portal and by receiving automatic e-mail notifications upon each update.

Sign up for a Free Affiliate Account Today and begin a new path of success with the industry leading credit repair referral program.

It's time to put money in your pocket instead of it walking out the door!
If you're looking for an aggressive credit repair solution to help turn more loans for you and your company, or simply interested in making money on referring business. Once you register to become a Referral Source, an email will be sent directly to you with your portal URL, login and password.  $25 for each client that signs up for credit repair services.

To login to your portal please use the button given

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The FES Credit Restoration Protection Plan is a powerful program which encompasses many of our unique financial products. Unlike any other financial service on the market, the FES Protection Plan is designed to cover all aspects of your financial portfolio. You can access your easy-to-use online portal at any time and our customer service team is available to answer any questions. Keep yourself, your family and your financial assets protected with the FES Protection Plan.

Financial Education Services donates $2 from every FES Protection Plan payment to the Youth Financial Literacy Foundation.

How Our Credit Restoration Program Works

How Our Referral Program Works

Sign Up For your "FREE" Account